Episode 155

Top 5 Stankiest Video Game Levels | The Flight

It's not something your average gamer thinks about too often, but we really ought to be glad Smell-O-Vision isn't a thing. A lot of the environs we traverse in our digital adventures would undoubtedly be an assault on our olfactory senses, which is to say: they sure would stink. We count down our top picks for video game levels that most definitely have their own unique funk.


Music Attributions

Musical excerpts from 8-Bit Fantasy & Adventure by xDeviruchi, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.


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Shoutout to Our Patrons!

Retro Hangover is supported by you, the listeners. We would especially like to thank the following Patrons for donating at the 8-bit tier and above: Lyle McKarns, Ashton Ruby, Randall Quiggle, Tony G, Studstill Smash (The Milkman), Katie Quigg, Paul Romalho, Raging Demon, JC, Meagan Caruso, MaskedKeaton, Andrew Liguori, Ozzy Garcia, The Retro Vixen, BacklogAdam, Thunderdome Gaming Society, Keith Gasper, Dischimera, gcfreak898 (The Saturnian), Dave Jackson, Eric Gess, and Rick Firestone. If you'd like your name mentioned here, or would simply like to support the show, consider becoming a Patron today!


About the Podcast

Show artwork for Retro Hangover
Retro Hangover
A podcast about gaming history, fueled by beer.

About your hosts

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Shane Koski

Profile picture for Chris Coplien

Chris Coplien